Monday, December 3, 2007

A Knitter's Paradise

Snow Days aren't just good for public schooled kids...Knitters love 'em too. Just look at these pictures of my family...

I made the hats on the Snowman (made by Child #3 and myself) and on the Child himself (the blue hat is the first item I ever knitted. I keep it as a reminder of how far I have come in my knitting skills... it's so ugly!). I didn't make the scarf though. That is a relic from the 80's.

Our Snowman (with his carrot nose and button eyes) caused My Pathetic Doberman to enter into a guarding frenzy when she came outside and saw the intruder. Yes, this is a vicious snowman.

Child #4, pictured on the stairs on the right, is in time-out for playing in the pond again. He is wearing some bright red hand-knit socks. Child #5, not on time-out, is wearing the first sweater I ever made under her snowsuit. This sweater is full of mistakes, but it is sturdy and has been worn as warm play clothes by both boys.

On the left, My Pathetic Doberman is not wearing anything that I knit. But I am wearing an alpaca scarf that I splurged on and finished just in time for the snow. And I also made the mittens.

After all the play (and knitting), Child #5 and I needed a nap. Now you can see the sweater. And I also knit that blanket around my shoulders. As a matter of fact, I just finished it right before I fell asleep.

After dinner, I cast on for my first pair of 8-stitches-to-the-inch, adult-sized, cable knit socks. Like, hello, this is going to be my hardest project yet! My DH said (while in a funk because Child #2 was on the computer when he wanted to be), "Exactly how much time have you spent knitting today?" Some days I just can't keep track. Like Sundays and Snow Days. But now it is Monday and I have work to do...