Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Their Exciting Weekend

My DH, bless his heart, took the boys and Child #2 down to Twin Firs for the weekend, leaving me with Child #5 and My Pathetic Doberman. I had a lovely relaxing weekend watching chick flicks with Child #1 and Bob the Builder with #5. But the other half of our family worked and worked some more!

Child #4, aka The Professor, practiced obnoxious gyrations of his tongue while watching himself in the mirror, much to the annoyance of his older sister. Their father came to both their rescues with an explanation that although it looks like he is making nasty weird faces in the mirror, he is actually developing the neurons in his brain and that he is at the edge of a developmental breakthrough with language... or something to that effect. And sure enough, the kid has been talking non-stop lately and using words that no four year old should use. And I'm not talking potty language here either.

Child #3 is missing something... can anyone guess? Look closely at his bike... No training wheels! He worked so hard all weekend learning how to ride a bike all by himself. He is getting so tall that we are going to have to get him a bigger bike.

DH, aka Hexus (the villain from Fern Gully that clear cuts the rainforest), spent his weekend clear cutting blackberries (among other chores). His dad came up with the new nickname. But honestly, does clear cutting invasive species to make room for native species (or pasture land for beef cattle so we won't be poisoned by downed animals in the meat industry) really compare to the plot of Fern Gully?

But where is the picture of Child #2? Well, she took all the pictures. And she would probably kill me if I posted a picture of her without her permission anyway. But a lack of pictures of her doesn't mean she is valued any less.