Friday, March 28, 2008

The last few days we have been experience typical weather for this time of year. We've had sun, rain, hail, and snow, sometimes all within minutes of each other. Yesterday it hailed and was sunny at the same time! Right now it is snowing and even sticking a bit! Of course, being homeschoolers, we just drop everything we are doing and go play. Child #3 had to run all over the backyard barefoot looking for his boots because a few days ago it was warm enough to go barefoot!

This is what it looks like when I teach. They are watching Curious George. Or Dora the Explorer. And looking at books. Just kidding. We were already done with our school work for the day. But boy, did I feel like a lazy mom! Here we were, finished with all the work, and still in our pjs and watching TV! I should have had them at a museum or a lecture series!

And just in case you forgot what a terrible/terrific two year old looks like...

She is totally taking advantage of the fact that I move slowly and don't like to get out of my chair when I finally sit down. She ignores me and causes all sorts of trouble. She is so possessive and selfish and competitive with her brothers! She won't even let ME hold her baby dolls. The other night, Child #3 sat down on his dad's lap to hear a story. Child #5 ran over, pushed her brother out of the way, and planted herself right on Dad's lap so SHE could be the one that got read to. Her big brother is so easy going that he just moved over, but come on!

Four weeks until the major competition arrives...and I can't wait.