Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Welcome July!

The first day of July feels like the first day of summer to me. I love the feeling of not having to go anywhere or do anything. We are spending this glorious sunny day outside: line-drying diapers, swimming in the pool, and eating orange juice popsicles.

Elimination Communication is the practice of watching the baby for cues and "catching" the poo instead of using diapers. After joking about switching to EC and holding Baby over a bush when she needed to go, I handed my diaperless baby off to DH to grab the camera. Here he is saying, "Will you take this baby before she does something on me, please?" I was totally kidding about going permanently diaperless. She was just airing out in the sunshine. See my diapers on the line behind them?

Here is My Pathetic Doberman protecting my children from the scary leak in the hose. I have never known a Doberman to love water as much as this one does. Child #3 and #5 are in the background. Child #5 is using a baseball T as an umbrella.

Even though we are now in the summer months, the pool doesn't get warm enough in the sun for my little cold weenies. Sweet DH, caring father, is boiling water on the stove to warm up the pool for his little ones. Our little family-sized pool is no longer big enough to meet the needs of our Super Sized Family, so we may just head off to WalMart to buy a bigger one. We justify this purchase by calculating the cost of swim lessons times four kids plus gas money getting to the pool and back plus my time sitting by the side of the pool... buying our own pool is much much cheaper, I think! But that all depends on how much my time is worth.