Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Another Eclectic Day
I can't remember if I've defined eclectic homeschooling yet, so if I haven't it just means that I use a variety of homeschooling methods. Today started with rigid, scripted, boring Saxon math. We moved on to Sonlight Language Arts and Reading, with each kid taking turns with Kumon workbooks. After that I took a break and browsed through my friend's Montessori catalog, making up my wish list. Inspired, I cooked up a batch of bean soup, getting the kids involved. E and S argued over who got to take out the compost, with E refusing to put the compost pot down just in case S tried to take it from her.
With dinner cooking away in the crockpot, I sent the kids outside so I could have some peace and quiet.
The fall colors are beautiful today, so I thought I would take F outside for some fresh air. The kid weighs a ton! My arms are killing me! The kids and I gathered leaves so we could make some leaf rubbings for a Cub Scout project.
And then I decided today was a perfect day for us to take a nature walk (Charlotte Mason style) over to the cemetary on the corner. The cemetary has a whole bunch of deciduous trees that are brilliantly colored. While we were gathering shoes, S and IJ were fooling around at the bottom of the stairs and S bumped his head. On the hand rail. And cried. I told him if he had been listening and not fooling around and sitting calmly putting his shoes on he wouldn't get hurt. I finished my lecture with, "Now get outside, its time to go!" IJ and S ran out the front door, slamming it behind them. And then I heard some more cries of pain. I opened the door to find S holding his head in the front yard.
Apparently he decided to jump over the bush by our door instead of walking down the stairs and hit his head on the side of the house...not two seconds after I finished telling him he hurts himself by acting foolish!!! Our trip was cancelled. So we sat around eating as much Halloween candy as we wanted (unschooling) instead.