Thursday, January 8, 2009


No, I haven't been washed away by the flood. Our road is closed (as is our backup road) so if we need to get to town, we have to take the loooong way around... It took us about 40 minutes to take a 15 minute trip into Taekwondo today, thanks to all the flooding. As we were crossing the bridge with the river all the way up and spilling over the levies, S shouted out from the backseat, "Which is worse? Being killed by a train or drowning in a flood?" At that moment I decided that coming into town was a dumb idea and I should have just stayed home. What if the flood washed the bridge away with me on it? Ugh...Here is a picture (courtesy of a friend of A) of the train bridge that runs parallel to the car bridge. Normally the water much, much lower. The McDonalds, trailer park, and golf course are flooded. The schools are closed. But homeschoolers don't get flood days anymore than they get snow days :)

I'm not feeling too inspired to write anything today... I just got my end of the year statement for my IRA... I lost ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS this year. Half of my entire IRA. Why I even put money in that darn thing, I'll never know...

But I don't want to be too blue... F is crawling so fast now and putting lots of little things in her mouth. When we make the "yuck" sound, she crawls to us as fast as she can and opens her mouth. I've also started teaching her sign language (more and milk), just like I did with E. She already knows that when I say, "Want some nursie?" she is going to get fed. She also loves a good game of peek-a-boo, especially with her big sister, A. A says F likes her more than any of the other babies we have had around here. She is the most social so far...