Thursday, February 25, 2010

So Proud of Me!

Now that the sun no longer pulls me outdoors, I have turned to my other (other) love: sewing.  My machine was starting to act wonky and skip stitches.  I called around to a few places to get quotes for a basic tune-up and they were all more than buying a new machine!!!  Plus they were all an hour to drive to, one way! One place actually sends the machines out of state, just to open and oil the moving parts!  Heck no am I going to send my vintage baby out of state!  And pay for their gas!  I can use that money to buy a general manual on fixing sewing machines and teach myself!
 Sorry daffodils, you missed the sun!

But I'm even cheaper than that.  I went to the library, got a manual on fixing sewing machines, joined a Yahoo group dedicated to my particular brand of vintage sewing machines, and fixed it myself!!!  All in two days.  My hubby is so pleased that I "got under the hood and changed the oil" myself, that he is giving me $100 to spend on whatever I want (not that I couldn't buy anything I want anytime anyway, but still).  And he gave me a high-five.  I don't know which one I liked better.

So...(or is it sew?) I spent my one day off from school (we school four days a week, taking Wednesdays off) sewing up a storm!  I attached all the patches the boys have accumulated since September to their vests and finished off a dress for E that I started last year, before I moved!
E's Spring Dress (complete with ruffle!)
Handmade, from head to toe (almost)
This morning I quickly made my version of a pillowcase dress (blue, on E) out of a scrap of fabric and the leftovers from E's Spring Dress.  It took about 30 minutes to make.
F's dress (made of leftover diaper material) becomes...
E's shirt!
And vice versa.
As you can see in the above picture of F, the terrible twos are in full swing.  At least her clothes are cute!