Saturday, March 6, 2010

Building the Coop: Day 1

I'm always surprised when I look out my kitchen window, which faces to the back of the property, to see my minivan bumping backwards over the grass and patio toward the porch.  Of course I should have known M would use machine power to move his concrete blocks instead of muscle; he is, after all, quite brilliant.

The First Stone
So started Day One of Building the Coop.  I'm so proud of M.  He took a bite-sized chunk of work today instead of buying everything he thought he might need and forgetting half of what he really needed.  Today's mission: The Floor.  Only. 
S helps with block placement.
We tried to have the kids help out.  Especially since it was a beautiful sunny day.  And since the chicks are currently blocking their access to video games (darn), they needed something to do.
Unloading the Van
Learning about Levels
F tried to help too.  She really liked the level because she really likes bubbles!  She hauled tools around until she had to go potty.  Have I mentioned she is potty training herself?  We haven't changed a poopy diaper in weeks!
M is on his own...
By the time M needed to line up the joists, he needed to concentrate.  Which means the kids had to go.  Some played on the computer, some watched cartoons, one took a nap.
Almost done!
M poured his sweat AND blood into his work.
Its a good thing I was watching when M drove the nail into his finger.  He probably would have bled to death trying to decide if he needed a Band Aid or not. 
E came back at the end and was so excited to help clean up.  She said earlier in the day, "I'm tired of doing bad things.  I'm going to start doing good things!" And she was super helpful the whole time.

Mission: Accomplished!
Stay tuned for Day Two: Framing the Walls!