Saturday, April 7, 2012

Big Backyard

Oh boy are we happy!  Our backyard is so big...and flat!  Here are some pictures of...nothing!
Looking North toward the Cherry Tree
Between the house and chicken coops
The area between the house and coops used to have a little hill that was covered in old tree stumps.  Now a truck can drive through and access the back know, just in case we ever need to have a septic system installed.
View from the driveway
M inspecting his kingdom
M didn't even take his work jacket off before he was off exploring the new yard.  He immediately replanted one of the fruit trees that he moved before the bulldozer got here yesterday.  As soon as he had his coffee this morning, he was out planting grass seed.  The boys have been very helpful raking and picking up big rocks.  We still have a lot of work to do though...
Ground Breaking Ceremony....Again?
Now check out this dog:
Never Trust a Smiling Dog
He is so proud of himself because he figured out how to climb the cherry tree...when there is a cat in its branches.  He climbed the tree four times, but never reached the cat.