Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Monday, Tuesday, Friend-Day, Park-Day

Monday was another fun-filled day with the S family and L!  We were so happy to have L come down and visit us.

We sent the kids out back for a picnic lunch...
Bunny Ears-the latest fad at my house
...and then booted them off the blanket so us moms and big sisters could chatter away in peace.  F got a hold of the camera and took some great candid shots...
Proof of L :) by F
...and some not-so-great ones which I deleted!  Who wants to see a picture of me making a funny face? Or a picture of the power lines?  Or the moms' knees? Not me!
Self Portrait ~F
But a funny picture of The Pirate is okay:
"I took a picture of him breathing on me" ~F
Speaking of F, she is such an attentive big sister.
The novelty of holding the baby hasn't worn off and neither has...
...feeding the baby.  The older kids say things like, "Are you coming to rescue me from the baby yet?" and "Can I stop feeding her now?" to which I respond, "Are you going to do the work I'm trying to get done?" and "Is the bottle so heavy that you need to take a rest?"  D also likes to feed the baby.  I can't leave those two alone for a second.  D isn't that great at bottle feeding a baby.
IJ's best friend
 Tuesday we met a bunch of friends at a park that isn't part of our normal rotation.  Because I stayed up late with L watching a chick flick and then had to get up with a bottle-feeding baby (I miss night nursing) and then get up with a dog and then get up with the chickens, I only got four hours of sleep.  I was so tired by the time I left the park I almost rear ended a truck.  I saw the brake lights, but the message to slow down just didn't get to my feet fast enough.  I really wasn't that close, but I did have to give my brakes an extra punch.
D has a new haircut!
 I was so tired, the picture of D eating a chip was the only one I took at the park.  But we did have fun!
Co-sleeping-it's why my kids are close!
The picture above is the last moment of peace I had for the next 24 hours.  Baby LJ woke up today.  She hasn't been too happy to be awake.  Maybe I ate something that disagreed with her.  Maybe I had too much coffee on Monday and Tuesday.  Maybe she just hit that 2-3 week growth spurt and wants to eat non-stop.  But she has been fussy-not as fussy as other babies I've had, but fussy for her.  I was too tired to stop by the store and get milk Tuesday, so I went today.  Of course I picked the line that had the new cashier that was sooooo slooooowwww.  LJ woke up and cried and cried, strapped in her baby carrier with nothing but an unsympathetic IJ to hold her bottle.  I'm glad the store was mostly empty. I spent the afternoon feeding her, changing her diapers, burping her, walking her, getting her to sleep, sneaking away, and going back to start over a few minutes later.  D got no nap, the other kids fended for was a long day.  But we did two loads of laundry, the shopping, made meringue cookies and sugared strawberries, and had a salad with dinner.  I couldn't have done it without those older kids!  But if it weren't for them, I wouldn't have had to make dinner or do laundry-haha!