Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Most Beautiful January Day

The weather report said rain, but I saw sun.  I'm so glad we went outside!
Lula in the Sky
Top Dawg Roosty
Free Range Eggs
Boy's Best Friend
Let the climbing begin!
Reptile Week in our homeschool has turned into a lot of snake play.  And begging for a pet snake.  Mark is happy to oblige.  For those who don't know, Mark had many pet snakes when Ami and Laura were little.  When we got married, he was down to three red-tailed boas that he fed home-grown rats to.  When I first started going to their house for work purposes, Laura gave me two of their rats, hoping they would find a better life.  They lived in a bird cage at my house until Mark and I got married- then they rejoined the queue.  Mark donated the snakes to the reptile man when Ian was a baby.
Emerald Tree Boa
Barefoot Panther (not a snake)
I took the kids for a short nature walk...

 ...which ended up down at the pond, naturally.  Lula got to sit on real earth for the first time:

We are still reading about the ancient Greeks and are partway through The Odyssey.  We've also watched different versions of movies based on Greek myths.  It shouldn't surprise me that sometimes the stories get mixed up:
Shane launches Odysseus and the Argonauts *grin*
Well-guarded Baby: too bad they can't retrieve sticks from her mouth!
"I've got a stick in my mouth!"
"I've got another stick in my mouth!"
Daniel, not to be outdone, also puts a stick in his mouth:
 ...and insisted it was a yummy stick, not a yucky stick:
 When the big stick got too heavy, he found a smaller stick:
 He is such a goofball.  I love his "smile" for the camera:

 But even more, I love his big blue eyes!
(It's so easy to forgive him when he looks like this)

This day is only half over and so beautiful that it is easy to forget things that are going wrong (transmission going out in the van, roof STILL leaking, possible ear infections for me) and only focus on what is good (Mark being inducted into Sons of the American Revolution, farm fresh eggs, knitting sweaters during naptime).