Saturday, April 19, 2014

Easter Bunny Picture

Mark has always dreamed about having a portrait of the girls in fluffy Easter dresses with the Easter bunny.   Me, not so much.  But yesterday when I was reminded of how close Easter was, I realized that this might be the very last year I could get Ian to cooperate with me...
I really do like going places with my children, and driving one hour one way (ONE WAY) just for a two minute picture session is no exception.  I know a nice lady here who is very well-meaning when she tells me I need to plan a weekend getaway to the ocean with her and a few other local women so I can get away from my children.  I had to tell her that I would love to go to the ocean, but I would probably take my kids with me...they are that fun. 

For example, Ian, who did NOT want to do this, wore a fake mustache and sunglasses in the mall.  He wore them until just before the picture was taken.  He absolutely kept me in stitches on the way to the mall, in the mall, and on the way home.  Also, Lula, who has been sick, threw a huge temper tantrum in the van when we got to the mall.  She hadn't slept long enough, I was trying to put a fluffy dress on her, and she didn't know where her shiny shoes or binky were.  All she was wearing was a pair of pretty tights while she screamed and kicked her chubby legs and banged her head against the car seat.  It was the most hilarious sight; we all laughed so hard.  When we finally got to the picture place, they closed the line right before us.  The gal reassured me it was only a ten minute break for a shift change.  I shrugged and said, "I'll wait. No problem.  If I were the Easter Bunny and had to hold kids on my lap all day, I would want a break too."  Then I let my kids run over to the car on display so they could touch it.  They opened up right quick *wink*

After the picture, I took the kids into Target for their candy reward.  They all wore their bunny ears or animal masks or mustaches/sunglasses combo.  Ian was interested about the possibility of embarrassing me.  I told him his attire could only embarrass himself and besides, I don't really care what they wear.  I only care about their behavior and again, they can only embarrass themselves.  I actually encourage them to explore their individuality and have a little fun with fake mustaches.

Mark was thrilled with his picture and could not believe that the kids and I had actually sacrificed a Friday afternoon to fulfill his picture dream.  Now might be a good time to get him to do something really big for me...hmmm....what should I ask for?