Friday, June 20, 2014


I've been working really hard to clear out all the unnecessary stuff in the house for my summer cleaning.  Yesterday, I filled two garbage bags with stuff from Evie and Fiona's room.  Whether or not the stuff is important or not, we won't know for another two weeks.  I told the girls if they could name items that I put in the bag after two weeks, they could have it back.  The rest goes.

Not even Mark was spared this week.  He thinks I spend summer vacation sleeping in, knitting, watching the kids play video games, and staying up late.  When I dusted the back hall, I took everything that served no useful purpose and stacked it in the camping gear room.  I refuse to dust things that serve no purpose.

This morning, I started again, this time it was going to be the fireplace area.  But just like the story When You Give a Mouse a Cookie, I saw the ironing board that has been propped up against the bookshelves since last summer.  That reminded me that I couldn't put it away because I haven't finished the quilts I started for Lula and Heidi last summer.  I looked around and saw the batting, also creating clutter, and decided right then and there I was going to spend today sewing.

One quilt down, one to go...