Thursday, August 21, 2014


I've decided Kai's full name is Kaiser.

He and Jack has the best playtime yesterday.  They ran and jumped until Jack couldn't run anymore.  I have never seen him so tired.  He couldn't play for the rest of the day!

Kai doesn't sleep at night.  He can also jump over all our gates.  He wants to sleep in Lula and Daniel's room, all curled up on the clothes and blankets they throw on the floor (that I haven't gotten around to picking up).  I blocked the gate with a high chair; Kai moved the high chair and jumped over it.  We added a bar stool and a plastic bus and gave him an extra blanket.  By the time Mark had a Kai-proof barrier, I felt like I was in Les Miserables.  Mark had to sit out there with him for awhile and then go back again early in the morning.  I'm not laughing, really I'm not!

I might be smiling a little though.  Although I woke up every time Kai did (and when Lula sleep walked down the hall and crashed into the barri-KAI-d) so many other good and funny things happen in my house it just balances out my day.