"Mooooommmmmm! Daniel's calling me a tattletale!!!" Can you guess which dramatic child of mine said this? And when it was pointed out that she was, indeed, a tattletale because she was tattling, she burst into tears. Hilarious for us, soul-crushing for her.
And how about a Daily Daniel?
Daniel (banging his fists on the table): I want food! I want food! That's the way baaaaad boys ask for food, isn't it Mom?
Me: That's right. I'll never feed boys who act like that. Now, can you use your nice words?
Daniel: Can I please have some food, please?
Me: Very good!
Mark: What would you say if she said no?
Daniel (in his demanding voice): Well, DON'T! Don't say NO! You CAN'T!
But first place for Friday Funny goes to Lula. She went outside while I was downstairs sewing Ian's merit badges on his Boy Scout sash. She started screaming, but it was her annoyed scream, not a scream of terror or pain. I asked Ian and Shane, who were sitting in the schoolroom, what Lula was screaming about. "Nothing. She's just screaming because she is a girl." The screaming stopped shortly after it started and I didn't give it a second thought. Ten minutes later Mark found her like this:
Lula, who is in the I'm-two-years-old-and-I-don't-want-to-take-a-nap phase, fell asleep on the porch. I've had kids in this phase fall asleep in the strangest places, but the porch takes the cake (so far). After I took the picture above, I realized she fell asleep outside because some idiot sibling of hers locked the sliding glass door and she couldn't get in. It was probably Daniel because I don't think Ian or Shane would do that and then not know why she was screaming. Because it was obvious she was screaming because she wanted in the door.
Happy Friday!