Friday, November 28, 2014


This year, we packed up and drove out to Fox Island for Thanksgiving.  My mom made delicious food and used her prettiest dishes.  Mark and I decided at the last minute to go off our "diet" and just enjoy food for a day.  (Our next day off is Christmas)  I didn't take many pictures, but Daniel got a hold of the camera and helped us out with a few candid shots.  Enjoy!
Traditional Baby in the Salad Bowl picture

Kids Table

My plate (I ate lots of veggies) picture courtesy of Daniel

Enjoyed his cheese and pie!

Enjoyed his wine! (picture courtesy of Daniel)

Aunt Tracey (Daniel again)

Lula caused trouble, but is anyone surprised?

This is what the males did.  The old ones watched football, the young ones video games.
And that's all!