Monday, February 2, 2015

Weekly Report

The flu hit us and hit us hard last week.  I've been sick for a whole week already.  So, for the sake of keeping records, here is a quick run down of all the important event (and there were several):
Ian on the climbing wall (with a fever)
First, Ian, Shane, and Mark spent last weekend camping in the rain and mud at Camp Delezenne for the annual Klondike Derby.  Although the weekend events were all noteworthy and important for the boys' personal growth, I think the fact they camped in the rain and mud was the most important.  All the boys in the troop know how to set up a tent, they just have only set them up during summer camp (and other fair weather trips).  This was the first time their skills were really tested.

The Klondike Derby
Shane's sleeping bag was so wet, you could wring water out it.  He didn't even bother sleeping in it by Saturday night.  The other boys didn't fare any better; many moms wrote letters of complaint to the rest of the troop when their boys got home.  Only Mark and two senior boys managed to stay dry.  How? Well, if you are setting your tent up in the rain, start with the rain fly.  That will keep your ground tarp dry so the water doesn't soak through the bottom of the tent.  Also, take your wet stuff off outside the tent.  Once you bring in your wet boots, pants, and jacket, the rest of your gear will get wet.
Evie lost a tooth
Second, both Evie and Fiona lost teeth.  Evie swallowed hers and I paid her a dollar to not ask questions about the tooth fairy while I was sick.  Fiona now has the adorable missing two front teeth smile.  Fiona also tested for orange belt in Taekwondo on Saturday.

Fiona lost two!
Yesterday was Superbowl Sunday, and just like last year, my parents offered their empty house to us.  But this year there was a twist.  The key they left for me didn't work.  When problems like this arise, Mark is ready to just pack up and go home.  But I stood there and thought for a second...and stared at the office window...and noticed they failed to push the window lock all the way down.  We were in within seconds, much like that burglar that cleaned them out when I was in third grade...

Purple Screen of Death
When we turned on their complicated cable box/TV system, nothing happened.  My sister tried to help, but to no avail.  Once kickoff started the game, she was gone.  So we piled onto my parents bed and watched the game on the tiny square-shaped TV in their room.

Seahawks lost, oh well.
The best, and most important thing that happened this week was the birth of Emma Rose:
Because of this flu, I was unable to attend the birth.  I was feeling healthy during Laura's labor and had three sick kids at home.  Her midwife was fine with me coming up, but I decided that although I was feeling fine and had no symptoms, I could still be contagious.  And there is no way I would expose a sweet newborn to a germ.  And thank God I didn't.  This is one wicked evil virus.

Laura had a perfect homebirth.  I am so proud of her.  First births are never easy and even with all the preparation in the world, nothing can actually really prepare you for labor and delivery.  Laura did not even have an easy labor, but she did it!  And she has the sweetest little girl.  A few weeks before Emma was born, Laura was measuring behind in growth and they were worried Emma would be a tiny little girl.  But she ended up a whole 7 pounds 2 ounces!

We are so looking forward to meeting our new granddaughter, but not until all the sickness is gone.