Friday, August 21, 2015

School Readiness

The beginning of a new school year is upon us and this year, I'm adding a new preschooler!  I'll give you a few hints who it is: She just turned three, she is probably too young to start preschool, and she is half of my Double Trouble team (look for a post on that soon).  If you guessed Lula (or Dori Ann as she calls herself), you guessed right!  Lula isn't really doing anything structured, I only want to keep her from sneaking outside and getting attacked by a goose.  I have a preschool curriculum called Letter of the Week that has a weekly schedule with plenty of activities.  I know Lula isn't ready for some of the activities so I'll be able to stretch it over two years.  The only problem is that the whole curriculum is a PDF and color printing is quite costly.

Good thing I have a few tricks up my sleeve, eh?  One of the new additions to the homeschool is a laminator. Instead of printing page-sized colored letters, I just bought a pack of upper case letters from the Dollar Store. Then six letters were laminated at a time, cut out, and hole punched for lacing.  Even the laces are shoe laces from the Dollar Store.

I showed Lula her letters and the first thing she did was make an accessory out of the D. Hm, what is it with my girls and their fashion sense? She has been wearing that bathing suit for at least a month.

I love homeschooling the preschool years and I'm so happy that I never run out of ideas or inspiration or even preschoolers! I'm also planning on posting my other school plans, but you'll have to read about it on my new, open-to-the-public blog that I'm experimenting with this year.  Check it out: The BookSharking Bunch.  I started it last spring when the new BookShark curriculum Facebook page members started asking for people to list their homeschool blogs.  I didn't really want a bunch of strangers coming here, so I started a new one.  I'll let you know when I have a post written for the upcoming school year.