Saturday, October 31, 2015


We did Halloween in two nights this year.  Friday the 30th, we went to a "trunk or treat" night at the Longbranch Improvement Club.  Residents can decorate their car trunks like they would their houses and hand out candy to kids heading inside the community center to play carnival style games run by the local elementary parent teacher association (how's that for a run on sentence?).

Shane was a magician, Genevieve a prairie girl, Fiona was a witch, Daniel a lion, and Jason was a sweet pea.  Lula and Heidi stayed home with Ian and Mark.

My back was so tired from carrying him around in this pea costume, but gosh, he was so cute.  So, so cute.

Science Project: Fail
The pumpkin above WAS Lula's, but she kept carrying it around and dropping it.  Ian put it out of its misery by carving it...and boy did it rot fast.

Sweet Pea!
The real Halloween was spent at our favorite annual candy carnival.  This time we all went (except Heidi).  Ian was a bum, Shane was still a magician, Genevieve a cowgirl, Fiona Spidergirl, Daniel a lion again, and Jason wore a monkey suit although I really wanted him to be a banana.  He just didn't fit in the Ergo as a banana.

Don't let that sweet face fool you!
Fiona's eyes and hair were my best (and only) contribution to Halloween costumes this year.
Fighting crime!
Daniel and Shane were supposed to go as Dr. Frankenstein and his monster, but at the last minute they both punked out on me.  Mark even went to five different stores looking for black hairspray.  Maybe next year they will use it.

Ian and Lula (doesn't Ian look like a kidnapper?)
Lula wore the same outfit she has been wearing for about five days now.  Ian worked a booth for the second half of the fair, so he offered to take Lula around to play games for the first half.  He actually sent me off to eat dinner and find other moms to talk to.

When I caught back up with Ian and Lula, Lula was face down in her candy bag while Ian had to hold her inflatable lollipop.  He was done being helpful by that time and was ready to switch places with Shane and take Daniel around.
I feel so blessed to have such wonderful sons that are willing to trade their time for half their sibling's candy.