Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Two Years Old

Heidi is going to be a FUN two year old.  She is so independent and confident. She loves to make her siblings laugh and smile.  She thinks a loud, "NO!" is the funniest thing in the world. She is developing a caring spirit and will run to a crying sibling and pet them and try to hug them.  She usually gets pushed down for her efforts because it is usually Lula or Daniel in trouble. But she doesn't take it personally and gets right back up and back into the game.

She didn't like the wind blowing
She loves ponytails and tutus and boots-the same purple boots that we got for Evie when she was two and the same pair where Daniel liked to wear only one purple boot when he was two.  We spend all day replacing ponytails that she will pull out immediately and ask for "two" instead of one. She copies Lula as much as possible which means I'm going to have to work extra hard to cultivate a nice lady out of Lula! Her most annoying habit is needing to hold hands when she is sleepy or feeling like a snuggle.  She needs to lace her fingers in ours and then she pinches our hand skin with her index fingers and thumbs.  Annoy-ing!

She skipped over the signing phase and went straight to talking.  She has a few cute phrases like shrugging and saying, "Huh-huh know!" when she doesn't know where something is or kicking and screaming and saying, "Let go of me!" clear as day when she is being carried away from something she isn't supposed to be playing with. Heidi's most confusing request is when she says, "A wah a ginky."  Sometimes it means she wants a cupcake, other times it means she pooped her pants. Her super talent is singing.  She can sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, the ABCs, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Old MacDonald had a Farm, and Let it Go.  I have the cutest video of her singing the line "You'll never see me cry," and then hitting her head on the back of the couch and crying.  But you have to speak Heidi really well to understand.  She really loves finger play songs and songs with movement.  The other kids tolerated them. Some downright hated them.  She loves it.

Even her older brothers like her-mostly because she is like a performing monkey pet.  Happy Birthday Heidi and may the next year bring as much happiness and joy as this last one!