- discovered a great leak in the roof
- repaired the hole in the bathroom floor (again)
- replaced the tires on the Honda
- replaced the headlights too
- had to pay our YMCA membership when we really shouldn't pay at all
- burnt a hole in a pair of wool pants I had just finished
- buried half the ducks
- set out rodent poison after mousopolis was discovered in the well house
- cleaned cat poop out of my van after someone shut her in there
- saw my son lose the election for Assistant Senior Patrol Leader to a punk that was observed buying votes from the other scouts
- patched a hole in Kai's chest
Why would over 20 stitches (plus more internally) on a dog cost $700 when Lula's four chin stitches cost $4000? |
Still left to do:
- Fix the doorknob Kai chewed off trying to get out of his isolation chamber
- Clean up the three piles of barf he just left on the carpet (nevermind, he did it himself)
- Homeschool
- Laundry
- Find the missing Pokemon DVD that needs to go back to the library
Life is good.
God always keeps his promises.