Wednesday, January 20, 2016

So far...

...this year we:
  • discovered a great leak in the roof
  • repaired the hole in the bathroom floor (again)
  • replaced the tires on the Honda
  • replaced the headlights too
  • had to pay our YMCA membership when we really shouldn't pay at all
  • burnt a hole in a pair of wool pants I had just finished
  • buried half the ducks
  • set out rodent poison after mousopolis was discovered in the well house 
  • cleaned cat poop out of my van after someone shut her in there
  • saw my son lose the election for Assistant Senior Patrol Leader to a punk that was observed buying votes from the other scouts
  • patched a hole in Kai's chest

Why would over 20 stitches (plus more internally) on a dog cost $700 when Lula's four chin stitches cost $4000?

Still left to do:
  • Fix the doorknob Kai chewed off trying to get out of his isolation chamber
  • Clean up the three piles of barf he just left on the carpet (nevermind, he did it himself)
  • Homeschool
  • Laundry
  • Find the missing Pokemon DVD that needs to go back to the library
I'm feeling a bit like The Incredibles at the end of the movie when they stand up and look around at the damage around them but their whole family is there and safe.  We are all here, working as a team.  The boys made breakfast this morning. Ian knows that elections (both in his peer group and the real world) are based on personality and cheating, not what is best for the troop/country.  We are all determined to get our hobby farm up and running again. I am excited to reclaim shopping and menu planning from Mark and having the kids learn how to cook in exchange for me doing the dishes for them.

Life is good.

God always keeps his promises.