Friday, September 2, 2016

The N00b Football Mom

I made sure I was at Ian's first game last night, even if it meant I had to take Jason with me.  Nevermind-I called Mark (who was in town getting Evie) to get Jason because he didn't even make it through the first quarter without trying to run on the field.

This was Ian's first experience playing football on a team.  We don't even watch football because of our lack of TV, so when Ian announced that he wanted to join the team last spring, Mark and I were pretty surprised.  He had no idea what he was getting into.  He is second string, so I figured he wouldn't get much play.  High School football isn't like little kid soccer. No mama can make sure her little snowflake gets equal time on the field.

Ian's first play: He is a defensive lineman #33
 The other team scored first, so Ian (#33) only came out for kick off until his team got a nice lead on score.

I enjoyed watching the game (and only getting some of what was going on) until I saw Ian with a coach on each side.... were they going to put him in???

Yes!!! Go #33!!!
 And as soon as he ran out to the line, the referee called a time out and he ran right back. 

And it's a good thing I took pictures, because Mark knew they called the time out on a 3rd down.

The next play was the best play in the whole game (but I didn't know it at the time)....

Lining up
Look for Ian #33 on the left: He spies.... a quarterback!
SACKED!  Ian sacked the QUARTERBACK!
At the time, I knew he had tackled someone and everyone was overly happy about it.  And I knew I got a good picture of it.  But it wasn't until Ian was in the car and he asked, "Did you see me sack the quarterback?" that I knew what happened.

As the field got dark and the rain started coming down, the Freshman team of the Peninsula Seahawks won their first game 28 to 6.  It was quite possibly the best day of Ian's life.