Monday, June 19, 2017

Salem, Oregon

I'll have a post just for Genna's competition videos, but this post is just for my funky pictures of the trip.  I brought Jason and Fiona along and we camped in the parking lot with some team mates (they had an RV).  The temps reached 90 degrees and there was a day-long heavy metal concert right next to the arena.  The arena was built 98 years ago and was beautiful.

 This was the view from my tent

 The arena was completely built of wood.  Wood beams, wood seating, wood stairs.  It was 90 degrees outside, but nice and cool inside without any air conditioning units or piping of any kind.

 We found a quiet corner for Jason's naps.  The heat and the constant running knocked him out.
We survived our first out of state road trip and had a great time. I almost had to bring seven kids with me to this one, but at the last minute I sent Genna down with another family, sent Shane to spend the weekend on a sailboat, and came down a day late all so Mark could take his 4th degree black belt test.  Hopefully I will get some pictures of his test to share. Next year, this competition will be held in Moses Lake.  Will I bring everyone? Hmmm....