Friday, September 22, 2017

Bottle This Moment (Co-op too)

I would love to bottle this exact moment in time.  Right this very second it is Friday, 10:30ish am.  Mark is out here making his breakfast.  Fiona aced her math test this morning (but missed a few spelling words).  Everyone is behaving themselves (or at least I think they are; I haven't seen Lula or Heidi for awhile).  Daniel and Evie are tete a tete, Evie teaching Daniel some tricks she knows about math.  Daniel had a gold star day for behavior (I don't grade his work for the most part-it's always right).  Daniel groaned today when I pulled out a RightStart math sheet.  I had to though, he is flying through Saxon 2 so fast he might as well skip the whole book.  He flew through the RightStart page, adding numbers with nine in them like nobody's business (49+7, 63+9, for example). He wrote in pen, finished a whole page in about two minutes, and made no mistakes.  I hear him say to Evie, "You used to use RightStart? Is that how you got so good?"  He is ready to pass his other sister in math.

We had our second day of co-op yesterday.  I love co-op!  I love all the classes and the friends the kids have made so far.  I love that Fiona has two friends that she has known from dance and taekwondo and church and they all sit together during chapel and I have to shush them.  I love the cute projects Lula and Heidi do in their classes.  Lula sings, "Hypothesis, hypothesis, make a guess. Hypothesis, hypothesis, put it to the test!"  Mark adds, "...with replicates and a confidence interval of 95%!" I love spending three hours in the nursery knitting socks and chatting with moms while someone else teaches my kids.  I get a solid three days at home rocking Memoria Press for five kids and then I'm ready for a break on Thursday.  I'm supposed to teach in the practical needlework class, but Jason won't let me.  Maybe in a few weeks he will.