Sunday, February 10, 2019

Snowmaggedon 2019

Hi There!

It's been awhile.  Sorry.  I have all sorts of reasons for not writing.  I'm busy. My kids don't like me writing about them for other people to read about. My old technology (digital camera, desktop computer) aren't as convenient as a smart phone and Facebook.  I actually had to reset my password to this blog because I couldn't remember what it was.  I tried to reset it to what it actually was, so I'm getting old and forgetful on top of everything.

But we are in the calm between two (or more) snowstorms and I do like to go back and read old stories of past storms (and other things).

Firewood to last two years worth of snow
I enjoy reading Facebook posts of people that haven't lived here very long.  They laugh about Western Washington shutting down over a few inches of snow.  But those of us who survived the ice storms of 1996 and 2012 know better and are well stocked with firewood and other essentials. 

We have eight to ten inches so far and we are preparing for another eight in the next 24 hours. 

Oh, you thought spring was coming? 
Just about everything is ready.  The only bad thing about this storm is that we thought winter was over.  Mark bought me 29 new chicks for my birthday and they were delivered on Friday morning, just an hour before the snow started.  They did not have a nice trip.  We are down to 14 chicks.  Some died during the shipment, some got very cold when our power went out, and one died because it had a crossed bill defect and couldn't drink. When our power goes out, and it has twice in the last 24 hours, we move them close to the woodstove and monitor closely.

The snow is perfect for sledding, so my kids that are still young in heart are packing down the snow for good sledding paths.  I also got my old snowboard down.

Ian went snowboarding with some friends after Christmas; I'm sure boarding on our driveway won't be the same. My vaulter is enjoying the ride though.

National Weather Service is forecasting the next system to start in a few hours.  I have plenty of time to fill the buckets and get the laundry caught up, right?