Friday, August 21, 2009

It Ain't Easy Bein' Green... I'm temporarily giving up. Just line-drying my laundry though. At my old house we line-dried whenever we could. We do the same thing here, but since I don't have a working clothesline, I use the garden fence. It works just as well, if not better, except for one thing. Earwigs. They like to hang out on my clothes pins and then scurry into the clothes when no one is looking. I didn't have this problem at my old house. Maybe my old neighbors all used heavy quantities of pesticides so we had lower levels of insects that could invade my laundry. But here we have large quantities of earwigs and other insects. I don't mind, except for when I'm folding laundry in my room at night and the earwigs fall out of the clothes as I shake them smooth. I have to pick them up and run to throw them in the toilet because they give me the creeps! E and S cry and try to save their lives. I flush them. And then last night was the final straw... one earwig escaped my notice and scurried along my leg inside my pajama pants! While I was wearing them! So now I'm done with line-drying!