Monday, November 29, 2010

Diaper Dude

D is busy busy busy.  He is crawling all over the house.  He is pulling himself to standing on anything that is stationary for two seconds.  He is dancing when he hears music.  He makes coughing sounds at Grandad.  He is using the toilet every morning when he wakes up (I haven't changed a dirty diaper for three days).  Every day has been the best day of his life.  Here he is, modeling some cutie-patootie diapers:
The Beach Bum

Beach Bum was made from flannel scraps I pieced together.  Total cost was about 75 cents.

Pumpkin Grunge: A flannel shirt paired with a thermal diaper makes a perfect imitation of the look that was so popular when I was a teenager.  The inside of the diaper is made from an old sheet and is fraying terribly.  The frayed edges really add to the grungy look!  Total cost was about 5 or 10 cents!

I've Been Working on the Railroad

Looks like F stood still for too long!  This diaper is made from a bandanna.  The best part (for the squeamish): No Pins!  I just tied it on real good.

Today D is cutting his second tooth.  He was up a lot last night and is running a low fever.  He is clingy and whiny.  And I have five moms and 12 kids scheduled to come over for cake and ice cream in one hour...