Monday, December 6, 2010

Goodbye Autumn...

...and Halloween pumpkins.

So I have this bad habit of buying Halloween pumpkins to carve or paint and then never getting around to carving or painting them.  I remember one year a friend gave me a pumpkin that voluntarily grew from the seeds of the previous year's pumpkin... in her compost pile.  That was cool!  Or did I get one that grew voluntarily from the seeds of a pumpkin that was dumped in a field?  I can't remember, but it was cool anyway.  I meant to carve the pumpkin, but we ended up cooking and eating it in January.

This year I cooked one into a Springbok Watusi for Grandad.  And the others met their match in the pasture.

 Oh, you don't think I actually fired the gun? 

You wonder if I actually hit the pumpkin?

I even gave M a turn: 
He's a much better shot than I am of course!

(I hear the mutterings...How very redneck of you from half of you and You Go Girl! from the other half)

So Goodbye Autumn/Halloween Pumpkins and Hello....
