Tuesday, August 20, 2013


If you pay attention to insignificant news stories, you might have heard that our area experienced a 3.6 magnitude earthquake today.  Some people felt it; I saw their excited exclamations on facebook.  We, however, did not feel it as we were bouncing down the road in the BWV...
... We had a lovely last minute trip to Penrose State Park to meet up with a friend of Shane's, and at the same time Harbor Wildwatch hosted a "Get Your Feet Wet" program!
Moon Snail
My kids impressed the volunteers with their knowledge and enjoyment of marine invertebrates.  Fiona especially loved the moon snail.
After a quick walk, a quick picnic, and a quick swim (for the boys),
Guess which boy spends a lot of time without his shirt?
we headed home for a quick spaghetti dinner before Boy Scouts! Another fun day for the Downens!