Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Jaws 3 1/2: The Preschooler

The back story is that Shane wanted to know why people hum a certain, "duh-dum!" tune while pretending they are a shark.  Thanks to the internet, I could play the theme music from Jaws uninterrupted by screams and blood.  Or images of legs sinking to the sea floor that will burn themselves to my children's memories forever.  Like what happened to me.  Some of my most vivid memories of being next door at the neighbor's house was the sinking leg, a tree that swallows children (Poltergeist), a rabid dog breaking down a kitchen door (Cujo), and Madonna's title song from the album released in 1984.   And some other memories, but this is a family blog so I won't mention them...I'll just leave you with the funny video...and the warning that you can't always trust your neighbors, even if they do drive a BMW...

Follow the trail of destruction left by that polluting, habitat-destroying preschooler to the final moment....

Again, ignore the videos suggested by you tube-I don't choose them or know who they are.