Friday, November 8, 2013


The trend on Facebook is to post a daily update with what you are thankful for.  This evening, I'm feeling so thankful for so many things that it could only fit in a blog post.
The Pests from the West
I gleaned a 40lb box of bananas a few days ago and have been dehydrating them like crazy! Fiona has no memory of eating dried bananas.  Or drinking San Pellegrino with Grandad.  This made me sad.  What have I been doing the last few years?  I used to dry bananas all the time and then we would eat them at the YMCA and my midwife appointments when Daniel was on the way.  I felt like I was reclaiming a part of me when I started drying those bananas.  I'm so thankful that I'm reaching the end of this pregnancy and can start dreaming about what I'm going to do next...
Cream Cheese Kisses
I'm thankful for Mark.  We had our 12th anniversary a few days ago, but we didn't really celebrate.  Yesterday, he was showing me a picture of a salmon smolt (or baby salmon if you aren't a fish biologist) from his summer survey.  He was having trouble identifying exactly what species it looked like one kind of salmon, but that one kind doesn't live where it was caught.  He wasn't asking me to ID the smolt or anything, I'm way out of practice for that.  But I did notice...that the smolt was in my tupperware!  Once a tupperware finds its way into Mark's truck, it might never come out again.  That used to bug me, but now I think it's funny.  I have to.  The fact that we have no plastic cereal bowls left in the cupboard is a testament to the fact that no one can remember which bowl is for feeding the cats-they get a new one down every time.  If I didn't think it was funny that my plastic bowls and tupperware disappear on a regular basis, I might go crazy.  I remember waaaaay back, when I was working on smolt traps with Mark, I gave him a loaf of banana bread.  It was wrapped in one of my two cloth napkins.  I expected him to return the napkin-it was cloth and reusable and that is what normal people do.  I didn't see that napkin again until after we were married.  I think I found it at the bottom of his work truck.
What girl wouldn't love Butterfly Kicks?
I'm thankful for my girls.  They are so sweet and loving and unselfish.  Evie brushed and braided my hair today.  She helped me rub Mark's back.  She put Lula to bed.  Fiona rubbed my feet and helped Shane with dishes when he asked for a volunteer.  Both girls are really enjoying Taekwondo with Mark and asked him to practice with them this evening.  The girls include Daniel in their play and show more patience for his outbursts than anyone else.  The other day, Shane was saying that girls just don't understand dogs blah, blah, blah.  Mark said, "Shane, I know you have lots of experience with girls. But I have more."  He winks at me.  "Do not ever underestimate the power of a girl.  Never assume for one second that a girl isn't smarter than you or stronger than you or doesn't like dogs better than you do."  Tonight, after the girls settled down, he said, "I love my girls.  All of them.  I don't know why I ever complained about having so many of them. They're great."  I feel the same way!