Sunday, July 27, 2014

Free Range Fail

We have this perfect scenario of letting the chickens free range for greens and bugs until 10:00 AM, then locking them in their yard until they are done laying for day, and releasing them to free range after 4:00 PM.  That schedule only works in our heads.
Shelf in the carport
We like the chickens free ranging because they will eat healthy natural foods.  And we don't have to buy pellets.
The base of the quince tree-you can tell one hen laid all those eggs
We don't like free ranging because the chickens will just feel the urge to lay an egg and lay it in any convenient place.
Behind the "papaya" tree, which isn't actually a papaya tree.  We've just called it that for so long.
If they like the convenient place, they return day after day...
Another carport shelf- How can that have been comfortable?
...and the worst thing? They move into the carport and forget all about the chicken coop.  And where a chicken lives, a chicken...well...I don't want to be gross or anything, but eggs aren't the only thing that comes out of a chicken's behind...
Another junk shelf in the carport.  Again, how can that be comfortable?
...and the carport is looking pretty bad.  Mina never let the chickens hang out in the carport.  Finding eggs in strange places was fun for the first year we had chickens, but now? I want my eggs!