Saturday, July 19, 2014

VBS Week

Vacation Bible School is one activity my kids really look forward to every summer.  This is our fourth year attending at Waypoint Church.  I can't believe we've been here long enough for four straight years of attendance! 
"I want that card!"
The hardest part about VBS is getting the kids up and out the door by 8:15 every morning.  People say to me, "I don't know how you stay home with all those kids all day!  I just couldn't do it!"  Well people, I'm like I don't know how you get yourself and your kids up and fed and dressed in clean matching clothes and out the door every morning for 180 days a year! By Friday, all the homeschooling moms at VBS had this look about them.  I actually took a nap in the nursery Friday morning.
"I'm getting that card!"
Our area has experienced a huge outbreak of a noro-like virus which has been traced back to a local lake.  Over 200 people have been admitted to the hospital to treat their intestinal upset.  Norovirus is very contagious and spreads quickly, especially through cruise ships, nursing homes, daycare centers...and VBS.  I was super worried that a kid exposed to the lake came to VBS and didn't wash their hands before they went through the snack line.  I pulled the giant hand sanitizers out of the nursery and put them in the snack line.  Only two kids threw up by Friday, and that could be blamed on a bowl of ice cream followed by jumping around in the bouncy house. 
"Got the card!"
By the time we would get home after lunch, I was exhausted.  The heat wasn't kind to my disposition either.  My home was trashed by Wednesday and unbearable by Friday.  Today we are catching up. 
One of our favorite faces!

Heidi spent the week practicing her crawling skills.  She is getting so close!  She goes from sitting to launching herself by her feet into a belly flop on the floor.  She is also pulling herself up to standing!