Saturday, July 9, 2016


The first week of July was quite exciting! Well, not really.  But we had our first run in with a food born illness in one of the kids!  Thursday, June 30th, Jason woke up with an intestinal disturbance.  Now I've dealt with many days of this kind of issue, but his poo quickly turned bloody. Friday morning I decided to call the pediatrician because 1. Their website suggested that I do and 2. It was Friday and 3. It was a holiday weekend.  I didn't want to have to deal with urgent care over 4th of July.  The pediatrician thought he might have intessuseption (telescoped or twisted intestine), which is an emergency, so she sent me to the emergency room in Tacoma. On a Friday afternoon before a holiday.  The ER doctor took a stool sample (and we had plenty of fresh specimen for him since he had been producing them every 15-30 minutes for a few days-even at night) and sent us home with a bottle of Pedialyte.  The sample came back positive for campylobacter on Saturday, so the ER doc rushed a prescription for antibiotics to the pharmacy that I was able to pick up just before they closed. (They had a last minute rush for dog tranquilizers for the 4th of July).  Thankfully, Jason was feeling great within the first few hours of his meds. As for the source of the bacteria, we can only guess that it was from watermelon rinds.