Saturday, July 9, 2016

Indepedence Day: Fun Family Photos

The Holding Pen
We had a good time waiting for dusk on the 4th. We just played around and took a bunch a family snapshots.

Preparing the Roasting Sticks
Crazy Dance Moves

Jason wouldn't participate

 Then Daniel got in this crazy mood where he was like some wild animal or something.  He crawled out of the holding pen and started screaming...
So intense!
So scared of her brother!
Screaming! (Check out his neck)
Fierce strong hands!
Neck tendons!
Self satisfied Smirk for making Lula cry
 And FINALLY it was marshmallow time.  FINALLY!

What the heck is Mark doing???

Helping herself to two bags of marshmallows

Still working on burning the maple stump
Heidi's first marshmallow

Another one???

And finally it was FIREWORKS time. FINALLY! Waiting is so hard! We debated about buying fireworks this year.  We had none last year because of the drought and Independence Day just wasn't the same without celebrating. The year before we had "kids" fireworks and went to bed early because we were still grieving the loss of Mina.  (And if it weren't for this blog, I wouldn't remember the details)  I'm glad we spent the money this year. The little kids shouldn't have to miss out on their early childhood memories just because I'm old and cynical about burning perfectly good money that I could spend on something else.

It's great to have Ian around for anything that needs lighting

Kai is a fire dog. Mina couldn't leave young chickens, binkies, or stuffed animals alone. Kai's weakness is crows and fire.  He loved the sparklers.

Don't pretend you aren't having fun Mister!
Lula got scared and dropped it
Lula's face-Ha!
 On to the "kids fireworks," also lit by Ian and Shane...
This is the growing snake kind, not the exploding kind in case you were worried

And finally, FINALLY, the loud, exploding, in-the-sky kind.  I switched from photos to movies because hearing the little kids exclaim, "Do it again!" and hearing Heidi sing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star was a priceless memory.

 (Ian and Shane lit most of these too, but they shared a few with Mark)

And now we've lived here for seven years. Half our marriage. Half our kids were born in Bellingham/Ferndale and half down here. Part 1 and 2 of our lives are over.  What will Part 3 bring?