Sunday, October 30, 2016

An Early Halloween

For years and years we've gone to the church's Candy Carnival.  This year, Halloween is on a Monday.  Ian has his last game, Genna has vaulting, and I absolutely refuse to take Things 1, 2, and 3 to the church alone.  The entry free to the Candy Carnival is one bag of candy plus a food donation to Backpacks 4 Kids per kid.  Seven bags of candy PLUS canned food? No thank you! Lucky for me, my kids are easy to work with.  I offered to buy large amounts of candy for our own consumption if we could stay home tomorrow night. Deal.

The fun started last night with the older four staying up with me to watch the old Ghostbuster's movie.  I figured that since I couldn't remember any risque parts of the movie, my younger kids wouldn't understand nor remember any of them either.  They were there all right.
"I picked this one just for you!"

 Lula's pumpkin is Pinocchio.  She has been caught three times sneaking candy.  She slipped out of the house and was found eating candy in the van.  She got in her sister's candy bag and helped herself for awhile.  And then she was caught getting into the decoy bag that the same older sister left as a trap.  She lied each time.

 I made some monster food for dinner tonight.  Snotty boogers pretzel dip...

...and mummified hot dogs...

We lit the pumpkins...
Ian and Shane's
Genna's and Fiona's (I bet you can't tell which is which)

 The meanest thing I did was make them play games to win all the candy I bought.  I thought about just setting the bowl of candy out and letting them eat it Hunger Games style.  But I figured Ian would dominate.

Catching chopsticks (and someone thought I couldn't possibly find a use for 100 pairs of chopsticks!)

 Jason had some M&Ms earlier today and I tell you, this boys gets CRAZY on sugar.  He was crawling all over me, biting and licking me! I have never ever seen him so insanely crazy.  He got some more candy during our little party and he got a little crazy again.

(I included this picture only because Ian is scaring Lula in the background)
 We played lots of quick short games that I found online today, plus a few more the kids made up on the spot.  Once, Genna noticed that her bag of candy corn was missing.  I showed her the picture I had just taken of Jason and asked if that was her bag of candy:
He is a bit of a squirrel and likes to hide things in various places around the house.  His favorite hiding places are the garbage can (I have to pull all sorts of non-garbage out all day and I'm pretty sure he threw away the DVD remote), the middle drawer on the blue desk, and the heat vent hole in the school room.

And that is where we found the candy!  Did you notice a lack of Heidi pictures? Oh, she was there all right and she was the loudest person in the room!  But for some reason, I didn't get anything but a blurry picture of her trying to steal Ian's candy with Jason...