Monday, November 14, 2016

Little Preschool

My Little Tornadoes drive me crazy, but gosh, I sure love doing the preschool thing with them.  Having them underfoot during homeschool hours is nothing like having Daniel underfoot and you all remember what he was like, don't you???

I don't think I've pulled Mighty Mind out of my school cupboard for years and years... Most of the magnets have fallen off, but all the pieces are there.  Lula was able to complete about half the cards before the shapes got too hard and Heidi did about ten of them.  I was mostly working on politely-waiting and asking-for-help-without-shouting skills with the girls and teaching Jason to not touch (and stay off the table).... like that will ever happen.

Recess is essential.  Can you believe this mild weather? I have kids running around in SHORTS with the windows open.  We are halfway through November and have only had three fires in the wood stove- and they were mostly for ambience. My big plan to keep my sanity is to take the kids outside more this winter.  I'm shedding the coats and boots that don't meet the rainy day requirements for our family and hopefully replacing them with USEFUL rain gear for their Christmas present (shhhhh! Don't tell!)  I'm tired of being home; I want adventure!

How do you know your preschooler is ready for fun hands-on crafts?  When they sneak off with scissors and do this:

Own it, mamas.  I hear the snip snip, thank God it's not their hair (again), and get going with the printer.  I used to try not to print because it uses so much ink, but  you should see how much Lula loves her binder of schoolwork!  She pulls it off the shelf several times a day to look at the pages she created.  She is writing the words Lula, Mom, Dad, and Cat.

I love Lula's intense concentration!
This project was perfect for her.  She knows the numbers from 1 to 10, so she was just working on her cutting skills and her asking-nicely-for-a-turn-with-the-glue-stick skills.  Heidi needed more help with the numbers and cutting, but she was thrilled to glue all by herself!

Nice haircut, Heidi