Monday, August 4, 2008
Another Twin Firs Weekend
Enjoy the photo/story highlights from our weekend at Twin Firs. I have to be brief because DH is working from home today and needs the computer...
We ran the well dry watering the orchard. Here is DH inspecting the new well pump. Thankfully we were able to return the malfunctioning pump back to the store.
We visited my parents for a few hours. We had a lovely lunch; DH told me his sandwich was the best sandwich he had had in a long time. Child #4 gorged on fruit, crackers, sandwich, and cookies, and puked it all up when we got home. But this is Child #5 playing down at our pond in her great-grandfather's old golf hat. Isn't she cute?
The kids went paddle boarding on the pond, where Child #2 went above and beyond the call of duty. She let her little sister ride on her back with Child #4 riding on the front of the board. That is a lot of close contact with the bottoms of little siblings! This was Child #5's first trip around the pond on the paddle board and she really enjoyed it.
Child #3 is now so confident on the pond he will swim out to the center (with a life jacket of course) and retrieve the paddle boards so his older sister doesn't have to do it.
Our favorite moment was when Child #4 thought he was racing his older sister on the paddle boards. She wasn't racing him, but she beat him to shore. He immediately started howling, "I lost! Wah!" At first we tried to hide our amusement at this ridiculous behavior. He got off the board and cried, "I'm not a poor sport, I'm a bad sport!" We started giggling. "Wah! I'm a stupid sport! I'm a bad, stupid sport! I'm stupid! Wah!" By this time DH and I were laughing so hard it was obvious we were laughing at him, which just egged him on. He finally ran with all the drama he could muster to the house where I could hear him yelling, "I'm dumb! I'm a bad guy!" over and over. After a hug and a promise of a bubble bath, he calmed right down and gave me one of his big blue-eyed smiles that melts my heart. That stinker.
Here is the terrible twosome, sound asleep at the end of a long day of playing and fighting. They are so sweet when they're sleeping. My Pathetic Doberman smelled like the pond and was evicted from our room, so she curled up with these two on the bed for the weekend.