His foot is feeling better. We don't see any sign of infection and he finally started limping around the house instead of hopping on one foot.
Monday, August 18, 2008
First Day of School
That's it! I'm sick of the insanity! Today is the First Day of School! Of course I don't have any of my curriculum lined up and ready to go. I'm still labeling file folders and locating books. But since we are currently reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl, we are starting the school year with a unit study on chocolate! We learned about the cacao tree (science) in South America (Geography). We learned the word chocolate comes from ancient Aztecs and Mayans (history). The cacao bean used to be used as currency (math)! Chocolate bars are produced by four major companies in the US (current events). We are going to buy one from each company and taste the difference between the milk chocolates. We are also going to compare dark, milk, and white chocolate (five senses). We are going to make some chocolate pudding from scratch if they eat their dinner tonight (home economics). I'm hoping a local gourmet chocolate store will grant us a tour of their store (our community). I bet Grandad will share the benefits of consuming dark chocolate for those with circulatory issues (health). And of course we have the three birthdays at the end of summer, so we will wrap it all up with some chocolate cake and chocolate ice cream (and a belly ache I'm sure). Ahh, the tasty side of being a homeschooler...
This is NOT a picture of Child #3 looking cacao up in the dictionary. He is hiding from my bottle of language cleaner (AKA apple cider vinegar). He vowed to stay behind the book until tomorrow or until I forgot that he had said a naughty word. But he forgot he was hiding before I did. And of course his brother, who has had his mouth cleaned out many times this week, made sure I stuck to my rules.
His foot is feeling better. We don't see any sign of infection and he finally started limping around the house instead of hopping on one foot.
We finally put our 30 year old tent up in the backyard so the kids could play they were camping since we aren't going this year. My Pathetic Doberman thought a big scary orange monster opened its mouth and gobbled the kids in one bite! So she tried to pull them out, one by one, much to their delight.
His foot is feeling better. We don't see any sign of infection and he finally started limping around the house instead of hopping on one foot.