I did go blueberry picking yesterday, and I picked 11 pounds of berries, but they are already all gone. I can't believe we ate 11 pounds of blueberries in one day. I went with only Children #4-6 (gosh that seems like a big number). Children #4 and #5 behaved themselves nicely; they didn't eat any berries. But they kept asking me, "Can I put this berry in my bucket? And this one? Can I put this one in too?" until I snapped, "If the berry is blue, put it in the bucket!!!"
Yesterday afternoon, I was the designated Taekwondo watcher and DH was the stay-at-home kid watcher. DH received an important call while on duty and when he came back inside, Child #5 was missing. He searched throughout the back of the house and found her like this:
Child #3 is now old enough to work the camera. His favorite subject is the Baby. I have over 20 versions of this: