Saturday, August 14, 2010


I'm sorry about all my chicken posts.  But I love these chickens.  I love their eggs, their antics, and I bet I'll love eating them someday too...chicken pot pie...yummmm!
He's No Chicken!
I'm sorry I called Kenny a chicken a few days ago when we got Chief and Mate.  He's no chicken.  He's a Macho Man!  We let Chief and Mate out of their solitary confinement and started integrating them into our flock.  Kenny made sure he was always between the hens and coop and the new guys.
"Stay away from my women!"
We haven't had any serious fighting, but we have had some scuffling and dominance shows.  I've parked my chair next to the coop to watch the boys get used to each other and be on hand if anything serious breaks out.  But they stay away from each other for the most part.
Crowing his Conquest
One funny thing that keeps happening is the escape of one Rhode Island Red:
"Let me out!"
We've caught her in the rooster's solitary confinement pen, free-ranging in the pasture, and this morning she was bedded down at the base of a fruit tree.  I've started calling her Ginger, in honor of the main character in Chicken Run.  Does that make me Mrs. Tweedy?