Sunday, August 29, 2010


Seven years ago yesterday, we were blessed with the arrival of S.
15 Minutes Old
And now he is seven years old!  S has been, well, something special that's for sure!  He has delighted and challenged me in ways I can barely put into words.  He is the reason we first thought of homeschooling.  He is the person that forces me to think outside my toolbox.  He teaches me patience and kindness and understanding.  S is an awesome kid!

S celebrated his birthday yesterday in true D-family style!  We woke up, ate porridge (a nice break from eggs-which we ate for every meal the day before), and got ready to leave.  S had soccer practice and we needed groceries and stuff from the hardware store.  After running errands we opened presents, baked a cake, worked around the house, barbecued some burgers, ate the cake, and shot off the rest of our fireworks from the 4th of July.  S was pleased with the phone calls from his sister and Nana and super pleased with his new Pokemon cards!
Seven Years Old!