Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chief and Mate

What is M doing?
"Hmmm...this fence wasn't here yesterday!"
And what is that strange box with holes?
Rush? Isn't that a band?
Introducing Chief and Mate, the latest addition to our flock!  They are Cuckoo Marans roosters that needed a new home.  They were raised from the egg by a fellow Cub Scout, who couldn't bear the thought of eating them. We offered them a home, with plenty of hens!  We will only eat them if things don't work out.
"I'm the boss of the yard!"
As soon as our other rooster, Kenny, heard the first crow, he scuttled to the farthest corner of the yard!  Chicken!  But this little lady had no problem telling the new boys who was the real boss!
The first rule with animals you might eat is never name them!  But S did anyway.  He says girls get all the luck because they get to stay alive and lay eggs.  But Chief and Mate are great names, especially considering the conversations we've been having with IJ about chicken...behavior (ahem).  So Chief and Mate they are.
"Why hello ladies!"
Of course the absolute best part about having chickens is...

(Check out the peanut shaped egg on the left!)