Thursday, July 25, 2013


The benefit of having a Discover Pass is that most people don't and we get the beach (mostly) to ourselves.  Today was a good low tide and a day off for Mark.

Lula tasting the sound

Teething on a clam

Enjoying a spa treatment

Teething on a brick

Eating a SANDwich-and also when I discovered her new tooth
I stayed in the shade of this tree to whole time and wore 30 spf sunscreen, but I STILL got sunburned!
Mark and Ian swimming to the boat buoy.  They both got minor jellyfish stings.

Ready to go home and eat ice cream!
Besides watching Mark and Ian swim all the way to the buoy and watching Lula sample everything on the beach, my favorite part of the day was watching Evie and Fiona play pirates.  Girls play pirates so differently than boys.  Their ship was called The Purple Pirate Ship.  They used their towels for their beds so they wouldn't get dirty from sleeping on the logs.  They couldn't agree on who should be the captain and neither wanted to co-captain.  So they switched to playing house.