Sunday, December 22, 2013

I'm Dreaming of a...Green...Christmas

I got a few more Christmasy things "wrapped up" over the weekend...
I pulled out my "green" wrapping supplies and got our presents wrapped!  Throughout the year, I buy Christmas themed fabric at the thrift stores and I use it as wrapping paper.  I absolutely hate the idea of buying wrapping paper and spending all that time taping it into place just to stuff it in the bin a few hours later.  My Christmas fabric also cushions our decorations while they are stored for the year.
I also use reusable tags on the gifts.  I used to use stickers, but I like these much better.  Instead of the tags having a "to" and a "from," we just do a "to" and leave it at that.  With 150 tags in the box, I don't think I will ever run out!
Shane breaks a board with a back hook kick (let's hope he asked Santa for new socks!)
While I was busy wrapping, Mark and the three older kids were busy administering/taking their first test at Mark's new Taekwondo school!  He has been teaching Taekwondo at the YMCA for the last few months.  Ian and Shane earned black belts a few years ago at their old school, but they were out of practice and Mark didn't want to start them off so high.  Yesterday they tested into the brown belt level and Evie tested up to green.  Fiona will stay a white belt for a few months (if not longer).  The best part of the test came when Shane was having trouble punching through a board.  He tried three times, his knuckles getting redder and redder with each punch.  He was so embarrassed and you could see that he was holding back tears.  Mark had him stop trying the punch and had him switch to kicks.  He kicked his two boards with no trouble and wanted to try the punch again...and he did it!  Mark was so proud of him for not giving up.  "That's black belt perseverance!" says Mark "That is what I want my kids to get out of Taekwondo."
Beautiful "Lulu"
Last night, the four older kids (plus Heidi) and I attended a Christmas party hosted by one of Ian's friends from Boy Scouts.  We had such a good time.  The host family purchased presents for all the kids who attended and also hired a Santa Claus to surprise them!  The Santa was pretty creepy; the kids and I had a good talk about stranger danger and the difference between the real Santa and his helpers that work at the mall and creepy guys that dress up as Santa to earn extra money at parties.  The take home message was, if Santa tells you how pretty you are and wants you to sit on his lap twice, watch out!  This Santa even asked if I would take my sleeping newborn out of her wrap that I was wearing her in so he could hold her.  Um, no.
The girls got matching hats and scarves, Ian got a headlamp, and Shane got a Lego set.  Even Daniel and Lula got gifts even though I refused to bring them to the party.  So although Santa was creepy, the company was good and we all had a pleasant time.
Time for a nap!
I'm feeling pretty good about what Christmas items I've been able to check off my list this year!  I though for sure that having a newborn would hamper things; instead I use my sleepless hours to plan what I'm going to accomplish each day. I'm normally pretty stressed out and grumpy about Christmas.  It is my least favorite holiday, I'm sad to say.  But this year isn't going too badly.  It helps that we've had a budget and haven't run out of money for necessities and at the same time, maintained our savings and never used credit.  And it also helps that Mark picked all the presents and I didn't insert my opinion (too much).
Today I made cookie dough for tomorrow's cookie party at my parent's house while Evie, Fiona, and Daniel made a few ornaments.  The girls are making beaded Christmas trees...the kits are easy for Evie and challenging for Fiona.  Fiona is still working on hers...
Daniel made Shrinky Dinks, courtesy of my friend Crystal!  She gave us this kit last year and I saved it for a perfect rainy!
He was pretty cranky today and had a hard time following directions and allowing other people to have authority over him.  He even threw his presents from last night's party into the garbage...and then cried because he threw them away and wanted them back...and cried again when he found out that I already took them out of the garbage and wanted them put back in.
He insisted on being the person to put the Shrinky Dinks into the oven, but his arms just aren't long enough.  But watching his ornaments shrink right before his eyes was awesome and he has been carrying around his project all day.  We'll see if he is able to give them away as presents...