Monday, November 14, 2016


He settled down. He is teachable.  He learns.

Playing Corners (a math game)

Daniel can read. He can swim. He has memorized the white belt poomse at Taekwondo and the Scout Law for Cub Scouts.  He can add ones, tens, and hundreds.  He can spell words that aren't butt or poop.

I'm not saying he's perfect, because he isn't.  He still has his moments where he can't get out of other people's spaces and can't stop giggling about silly things. He also gets upset and is immovable about something he sets his heart on (like being the pancake flipper).  Aaaaannnnd he still gets carsick (and only in Mark's car).  But he is nothing like he used to be.

There is something to be said about letting these little boys grow and learn on their own timeline.  Last year, I pulled waaaaay back on how hard I pushed this precious boy and I am SO GLAD that I did.  When I stopped TEACHING him and focused on just LOVING him, he responded.

Today, he sat down and read a real book to me.  I haven't been able to find Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons for two weeks, so he hasn't been getting his reading lessons when he asks.  (Note the when he asks part).  Lula handed me a Little Critter book, and I asked Daniel how much of it he could read.  Hey, the whole thing! No Pat the Rat or Bob Books for this guy. He is ready for Dr. Seuss!