Friday, November 25, 2016

Heidi Turns 3!

I love this girl. She is so crazy, wild, and fun.  She is loud, sensitive, and bossy.  She doesn't like dresses, but she does love pink and purple and sparkly shoes. 

And she screams. Oh man, can she scream.  She absolutely cannot stand having the dogs downstairs by the fire, so she screams at them to get upstairs.  Sometimes she just tosses them out the front door.  When I tell her to leave the dogs in, she cries that they're stinky.  I wonder where she picked that up from?
Heidi: First thing in the morning: Crazy Hair!
I am just as thankful that Heidi is #7 just as Daniel is #5.  There is just something about these Longbranch babies that make us go hmmmm....

I cannot WAIT to see if she stops cutting her hair this year.

So Happiest of Birthdays to my Super Spunky Little Girl!