Friday, September 10, 2021

Back to School 2021-2022

 Time for my annual curriculum round up! We are a week into our school year and things are running as smoothly as it did last year. I’ve upped the amount of work we do because these kids are so good at their routines and we have so much extra time without outside activities.

Jason is finishing up his kindergarten work with Memoria Press before he starts on the First Grade level. He is such a young first grader with a July birthday, so I’m in no rush.  Math is MathUSee Alpha. He is also using Bookshark’s new science program, completely redone!  I’m so glad I still have kids young enough to use their revamped program.

Heidi is in second grade.  She loves drawing and reading the best but she is also very good at cursive, Latin, and math.  She is still very bouncy and needs to take lots of breaks to change position and run around.  She is using Memoria Press for all subjects except science.  Bookshark Level C science is what she is using, but because it is so new the program is in backorder. Still. She is also using MathUSee Beta.

Lula loves building and inventing things. She is using Memoria Press’ Fourth Grade curriculum along with Bookshark Science D and MathUSee Delta. She is also reading  Story of the World volumes 1&2 with Daniel and Fiona. She is also joining them in orchestra this year!

Daniel and Fiona are my middle school crew. How that happened so quickly I do not know. It seems like yesterday Fiona was having her first day of school. They are a great team and balance each other out.  They are using Memoria Press Sixth Grade plus a modified version of  Bookshark’s Level G. They are using Real Science 4 Kids Middle School Geology and MathUSee Zeta. Science is too easy for them, but they have a lot of their plates with the rigorous Memoria Press package. They also participate in orchestra.

Genevieve is heading into her second year of high school. She is learning valuable time management skills with working 20 hours a week, elite level vaulting, and doing enough schoolwork to satisfy me. It’s a delicate balance. She is focusing on the Middle Ages through renaissance times in history. She is mostly using Memoria Press (I’m a big fan, can you tell?) and using Novare Earth Science and MathUSee Geometry. I’m bulking it up with actual field trips. Okay, you got me. She just hikes with Mark when she’s not vaulting or working.

Shane and Ian are taking online classes at Tacoma Community College and working. Once upon a time they only wanted in person classes, but now they know how much it costs to drive around and how inconvenient it is to plan work around classes. They like to do their schoolwork in the evening after working a full day. Both boys are workin go full time and have shown great money management skills. I’m so proud of them.