Monday, November 27, 2017

November Birthday Girls

With Heidi and Genevieve's birthday four days apart and Thanksgiving weekend right in the midst, we had a little gift giving on Saturday for Heidi and a party for Genevieve on Sunday.

Fiona helped Lula make a card for this gift for Heidi.  When Lula found out it was Genevieve's birthday too, she erased Heidi and wrote her big sister's name instead!

Heidi was happy with a hand me down doll from Fiona...

A hand me down pony from Genna...

And Pua and Heihei! I love how she wrinkles her nose when she is super happy.  She also got useful things like shoes, socks, and warm pajamas.

Genevieve invited a few friends she knows from activities that aren't vaulting and their brothers (one for Daniel to play with and one for Shane to hang out with).

Twelve candles for Genevieve...

...and four for Heidi (do I see a little brother trying to blow her candles out?)

The kids all colored cheap mugs from the dollar store with markers that I baked to make the marker permanent.  What a fun craft!  And what a great group of girls! (I met a mom who was new to MOPS last weekend and she asked the socialization question.  I told her my daughter had so many friends, she wasn't allowed to invite them all to her birthday party. That shut her up...temporarily)

Thursday, November 23, 2017


From Farm to Table:

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

November Round Up

This month went by faster than I could track.  November isn't over yet, but here are a few highlights...

When your vaulting shoes go missing and you know that Kai loves to bury leather things in the sandbox

Various happenings with These Three (Mark and I in the background)

A few snowflakes teased us

A TON of knitting and crocheting, thanks to Co-op classes!

Lula learning about Worms in Co-op
Shane's class party at Co-op

Shane ranked up to Apprentice in Sea Scouts
Football is done, finally.  Ian is the fuzzy guy on the far right with the 42 on his front.

Mark and Daniel went Cub Scout camping
We also had orchestra and taekwondo and school and work and sickness and raising teens....what a month!