Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanksgiving and other news

I haven't posted for awhile. Huh. We got a new door! It is so pretty and the wind doesn't blow in the crack anymore. My Pathetic Doberman barked at it for a whole day until she realized that the door wasn't going to attack us and was here to stay.

We spent our Thanksgiving at our eldest child's other home and had such a lovely time. When Child #4 finished he pie, he held up his plate and said "MORE!" He sounded like a gruff, four year old Oliver Twist.

We spent the rest of the weekend down at Twin Firs, and what a lovely weekend it was... hauling firewood, chopping brush, eating wild huckleberries, listening to the coyotes howling at the full moon... Rustic. We can't wait to get back there.

Child #5 will be two years old this week. I can't wait.